'Tis the season to compare and save. CoolSavings.com the leading online savings destination, announced today that it has partnered with PriceGrabber.com, one of the most trusted and effective online comparison shopping services, to provide CoolSavings.com visitors online retail price comparisons. This service offering is a natural extension for CoolSavings.com -- known as a one-stop shopping destination for savings.
"Our recent holiday spending survey highlighted that consumers turn to online comparison shopping as well as online coupons as a solution to find the best value for their dollar," said Mandy Brown, director, product management at Q Interactive, which owns CoolSavings.com. "CoolSavings.com visitors now have a new option to quickly and easily find the best prices on a comprehensive list of desired products such as electronics, clothing, diapers and toys."
Consumers can try out the new service by clicking on the "Compare Prices" tab at the top of CoolSavings.com's home page. Once inside the Compare Price section www.coolsavings.pricegrabber.com, there are multiple ways to comparison shop.
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