Mini-movies and Behind-the-Scene Footage from the Blockbuster Film Available on Comcast On Demand, All in HD
Comcast Corporation, announced today a partnership with Warner Bros. Pictures’ The Dark Knight. This partnership provides Comcast customers with exclusive behind-the-scenes movie footage, mini-movies and trailers from one of this summer’s most-anticipated films, available on Comcast’s signature On Demand service.
Leading up to the film’s release, Comcast will launch six mini-movies, which are exclusive original-content episodes, of a show called “Gotham Tonight,” featuring the film’s actors providing commentary in character and in a news format that tell the story of what has occurred between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. In addition to the “Gotham Tonight” segments, customers can watch exclusive behind-the-scenes footage, interviews with the cast and filmmakers, and The Dark Knight trailers, all in HD. This exclusive content is available on Comcast On Demand, www.comcast.net/thedarkknightmovie and Fancast.com. The “Gotham Tonight” episodes also can be seen at www.Gothamcablenews.com.
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